Shree’s Poems 2: Geometry of Fragmented Existence

In a placid state

Stretching and twisting the body,

Winding down,

I view and discern happenings,

Gauge with just two words

‘Yes’ or ‘No,’

Yet still, I land in trouble.

Inhabiting amidst




Dressed bipedal creatures.

One fed me yesterday,

Another smashed my spine today.

My head bickers over,

‘Yes’ for who?

‘No’ for who?

What is the point of contemplating now?

It’s done.

Lying immobile,

Soaked through and foul-smelling,

Though I dwell in a garbage-strewn place,

I clean myself at least thrice a day,

Always keeping my fur as sheeny

as a honeycomb.

Was in death throes,

Until the white-uniformed creature

Stuffed the tasty piece into my mouth.

What happened to me?

As the evening fades,

No one was there.

Peering at the dancing flare of a lit clay lamp,

Beside the car decorated with garlands,

I peed on the sandpile.

While scratching the sand,

In the blink of an eye,

That twinge on my back—

I collapsed. It was a fancied-up bipedal creature

With an iron rod in one hand


Incense sticks in the other.

It was bawling.

In a split second,

At lightning speed,

I climbed up,

Hid behind the wall.

Then I froze,


Pain, sharp, blinding pain,

In the throes of pain.


Don’t the bipedal creatures play

the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ game

Before they act?

It just happened to me,

As an act of insignificance

Like the wind blowing,

Like leaves falling,

Like ocean waves,

Like the absence of light and dark.

Am I as insignificant as all these?

I just had to pee. What else did I do?
